Well if you follow me on twitter you may be aware that something very exciting happened to me the other day. Jamie Oliver, my ultimate food hero who I have loved since I was a young girl and who has fuelled and inspired my love of cooking for many years, TWEETED ME!
I was beyond delighted; he knows I exist! Oh and I went for the pork if you're interested. By the way, this is part of the reason I've been quiet on here this month; I've set myself the challenge of cooking every one of Jamie's 30 Minute Meals. I'm really enjoying doing them and feel like I'm learning a lot about timings, kitchen organisation, and what herbs/dressings go with which foods.
In honour of this I'm sharing with you my take on the first recipe I've cooked from my newest cookbook; Cook with Jamie. I hunted it down after seeing it praised on Michael's Blog; My, My Food and I, and quickly purchased it on amazon for a bargain price. A quick glance through it left me puzzled as to why I didn't already own this magnificent book. It's wonderfully thick and satisfying, really well thought out, and chock full of simple impressive recipes. I've spent hours poring over his informative sections on cuts of meat, for example, making your own pasta, and detailed descriptions of spices. It's all done in a really non-patronising way, and I've learnt so much without even having cooked many dishes from it yet. I have a feeling this could become my staple go-to cookbook, as Delia's Complete Cookery Course was for my Mum's generation.
The first recipe I tried was based on one for baked chicken; it seemed quick and simple, and we all know how much I love recipe's that involve cream. As I knew I'd be short of cooking time after school, I was able to prepare this first thing in the morning and have it ready half an hour after returning home that night.
Ingredients (Serves 4):
1 large butternut squash
4 chicken breasts with the skin left on
1 fresh red chili
Fresh oregano or marjoram
Olive oil
Grated nutmeg
Double cream
Approx 24 trimmed asparagus
Vine tomatoes
The first recipe I tried was based on one for baked chicken; it seemed quick and simple, and we all know how much I love recipe's that involve cream. As I knew I'd be short of cooking time after school, I was able to prepare this first thing in the morning and have it ready half an hour after returning home that night.
Ingredients (Serves 4):
1 large butternut squash
4 chicken breasts with the skin left on
1 fresh red chili
Fresh oregano or marjoram
Olive oil
Grated nutmeg
Double cream
Approx 24 trimmed asparagus
Vine tomatoes

2) Put your chicken breasts in a bowl, preferably with their skins left on (I couldn't find any with their skin on). De seed and finely chop a fresh red chili and a clove of garlic, add to the bowl with a couple of sprigs of fresh oregano or marjoram, a pinch of salt and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil and toss together, cover the bowl with cling film and leave in the fridge with your butternut squash slices. This little bit of preparation leaves you with a super quick tea that can be thrown together when you come home from work.
3) Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas 6. Place the chicken and flavourings into individual baking dishes or tin foil trays, and snugly fit your squash slices around the chicken. Carefully pour the cream around the squash (not on the chicken).
4) Season with grated nutmeg and salt and pepper, cook in the middle of the oven for 25 to 35 minutes.

6) When serving, shave a little Parmesan over the asparagus to melt nicely.
I didn't think this simple dish would be that much to write home about. However, my family absolutely raved about it; they loved the fresh veg and how it complimented the unctuous creamy sauce. The chicken was also unbelievably juicy and tender, with the chili and tasty squash adding warmth and depth to the dish. I think this epitomises 'Cook with Jamie'; accessible dishes with a few well chosen ingredients, that don't seem like much on paper but really come into their own once put together. I can't wait to cook my way through it.
this was gorgeous!!!